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Sunday, July 29, 2012


                                TAKE ACTION BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

Nuclear accidents are recognized as part of the nuclear package. They are a threat to our health, well-being and even our survival as a world. Many people would like to see nuclear power plants dismantled, shut down, phased out. Especially since the spent fuel has no place to be safely stored.

But, nuclear is here in the United States and elsewhere because it has very high financial returns. Perhaps not for the taxpayers and utility users. But for the owners of the plants. The San Onofre plant online information states that the plant generates electricity for 1.4 million average homes. If this average home had a $100 monthly electric bill that would be almost 1.7 billion dollars of revenue per year! Of course there are costs to run a plant, but investors want a return on their money or they wouldn't be doing it.

So now that there are problems with the plants, the safety, the aging of the structures, the fact that they are not earthquake proof, there are calls to shut them down. But this is a free society and how are you going to get them shut down? Not enough people signed the nuclear initiative in California to get it on the ballot. It was a fear driven negative campaign that energy rates would go up and we wouldn't have enough energy. So far, with San Onofre shut down, nothing has happened. No blackouts, no anything different.

There is an avenue open to the voting people of the United States to rid ourselves of the nuclear problem. And that is make them “financially unfeasible”. This method may or may not apply to other countries, depending on their ways of governing throughout the world.

If we have to keep these plants, at least there should be some motivation to make them safer (the “owners” are probably a protected entity with limited liability such as a corporation or LLC – and they certainly don't live near a plant! So why should they spend what could be profits to install proper updated equipment?) Therefore nuclear plants MUST HAVE UNLIMITED LIABILITY  FOR THEIR ACCIDENTS.

Right now, insurance policies do not cover nuclear damage to homes or automobiles. This is specifically excluded. If your home, car, or personal possessions were damaged by a radiation release you are not covered by much of anything. (If you don't understand the risks to your home and property from a radiation release – please read my fiction novel – The Nuclear Catastrophe – a novel of suspense that has a family involved in a worst case scenario). There is a government Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that could help if the President declared a disaster area and perhaps would provide a small loan or monetary assistance. But in a large disaster don't count on the government. That's why nuclear plants MUST HAVE UNLIMITED LIABILITY FOR THEIR ACCIDENTS. If they want the big dollar returns they must take the big dollar risks with complete liability, extending to outside the corporation to all shareholders, owners, etc., with PERSONAL LIABILITY.

Banks call for personal liability on risky loans. They often require it for construction loans, for small business loans, anything they consider risky. And certainly nuclear has been proven to be risky. So.... nuclear plants MUST HAVE UNLIMITED LIABILITY FOR THEIR ACCIDENTS.

If the voting public is unwilling to sign petitions to get nuclear plants shut down out of fear of cost increases for their utilities, they are gambling their life and their health for lower costs. But at the very least they can get it on the ballot of each and every state that: nuclear plants MUST HAVE UNLIMITED LIABILITY FOR THEIR ACCIDENTS.

The following chart from Wikipedia compiles costs of different kinds of electricity from different studies. Yellow represents costs of nuclear energy production. Who is paying for this? YOU ARE.
It's time for nuclear energy to pay up - They MUST HAVE UNLIMITED LIABILITY FOR THEIR ACCIDENTS.


  1. The entities that stand to benefit the most from efforts to hamstring nuclear energy by slowing development or shutting down existing reactors are the corporations that extract, transport, refine, market, finance and distribute coal, oil and natural gas.

    Last week, ExxonMobil, one of the most profitable corporation of all time, reported a quarterly profit from selling hydrocarbon fuels of $16 BILLION. That company has just a 2% share of the oil and gas market.

    What did the gas companies do to compensate the people in San Bruno when their neighborhood exploded as a result of a gas pipeline leak? What did the gas industry do for the people who live around the Gulf of Mexico when a gas explosion on the Deepwater Horizon resulted in an oil eruption that lasted for six months and dumped millions of barrels of oil into that body of publicly owned water? Have you even heard about the 7 workers who were killed at the Kleen Energy Plant in Middletown CT when a natural gas explosion occurred?

    Give me a break. Do your research before publishing FUD and expecting educated readers to believe it.

    Rod Adams
    Publisher, Atomic Insights
    Host and producer, The Atomic Show Podcast

  2. From the author of the blog to Rod Adams: to Rod
    I published your comment because it was factual. However, I take offense at a personal attack. The items I talked about are factual also. Shame on you.

  3. Interesting read. I guess I need to pay more attention to this subject!

  4. You are obviously very knowledgeable and passionate about this subject. Best of luck in sharing this information.
