Thanks to all of you that took the time to download my book, “The Nuclear Catastrophe”, a fiction novel of suspense. As you read it you may find that you are already aware of many of the facts that are portrayed through a fictional story. If so, pat yourself on the back for knowledge and skim those parts. If I provide any new knowledge to a reader, or perhaps start a thinking process, then I get a pat on the back. Hopefully, you will be entertained and experience enjoyment.
I, myself, just finished a novel that centered around a nuclear disaster caused by missiles and the survival of the fictional characters in the aftermath. The book is Jackie Druga's novel, “Dust”. I couldn't put it down. It is definitely a page turner. And if you enjoy “The Nuclear Catastrophe”, then this would be a good follow up book. It's all about survival. And while we hope all these stories will remain fictional, the archeologists will tell you that the ground beneath us is full of civilizations that have died out and been replaced by others. So, being prepared is just a form of insurance. A recent survey showed that 52% of the population living within 50 miles of a nuclear reactor have no idea what to do in the event of an emergency.
It would be appreciated if you mentioned (or emailed or tweeted) that you downloaded, and hopefully read, my book, “The Nuclear Catastrophe” to at least one other person. Why? Because the subject of whether or not to continue with our present nuclear plants is going to be more and more in the forefront of discussion. And there are proposals to build new nuclear plants in the United States and elsewhere in the world. The fictional tale of “The Nuclear Catastrophe” presents a worst case scenario, one that we hope will never happen. However, the question is.....Is nuclear power worth that risk? Each person has to make up their own mind.
California has already closed one of its nuclear plants. Citizens are collecting signatures to get the closure of the remaining 2 plants on the ballot in 2012 (The California nuclear initiative petition).
Germany has closed 8 plants and will have 100% shutdown of all by 2022.. Japan has closed 52 plants of its 54 plants. The Swiss will phase out all their nuclear plants by 2034. The world's oldest nuclear power plant (44 years) was shut down in Britain February 29, 2012. And please note......the world has not come to an end, Japan still has power for its country, residents are not paying 20 times more for utilities (I haven't heard that they are paying anything more in terms of bills for electricity).
While the opponents of these closures are stating that atmospheric carbon based emissions will rise without nuclear, that really depends on what type energy replaces nuclear. It's not a fact written in stone. Don't forget that not all utilities are publicly owned. Many utilities are owned by private or public companies and they are in business to generate a profit. And they will be opposed to anything that threatens their profit, including the start up of other competing companies generating power.
So, again, thanks for your interest and support of my efforts. Hope you had a nice NUCLEAR AWARENESS DAY, March 11, 2012. Let's hope we don't become one of those civilizations that are excavated out of the ground thousands of years later by the archeologists. And in closing, you might want to check out the web site: http://www.PreppingToSurvive. They have a good article on the pros and cons of nuclear.
I, myself, just finished a novel that centered around a nuclear disaster caused by missiles and the survival of the fictional characters in the aftermath. The book is Jackie Druga's novel, “Dust”. I couldn't put it down. It is definitely a page turner. And if you enjoy “The Nuclear Catastrophe”, then this would be a good follow up book. It's all about survival. And while we hope all these stories will remain fictional, the archeologists will tell you that the ground beneath us is full of civilizations that have died out and been replaced by others. So, being prepared is just a form of insurance. A recent survey showed that 52% of the population living within 50 miles of a nuclear reactor have no idea what to do in the event of an emergency.
It would be appreciated if you mentioned (or emailed or tweeted) that you downloaded, and hopefully read, my book, “The Nuclear Catastrophe” to at least one other person. Why? Because the subject of whether or not to continue with our present nuclear plants is going to be more and more in the forefront of discussion. And there are proposals to build new nuclear plants in the United States and elsewhere in the world. The fictional tale of “The Nuclear Catastrophe” presents a worst case scenario, one that we hope will never happen. However, the question is.....Is nuclear power worth that risk? Each person has to make up their own mind.
California has already closed one of its nuclear plants. Citizens are collecting signatures to get the closure of the remaining 2 plants on the ballot in 2012 (The California nuclear initiative petition).
Germany has closed 8 plants and will have 100% shutdown of all by 2022.. Japan has closed 52 plants of its 54 plants. The Swiss will phase out all their nuclear plants by 2034. The world's oldest nuclear power plant (44 years) was shut down in Britain February 29, 2012. And please note......the world has not come to an end, Japan still has power for its country, residents are not paying 20 times more for utilities (I haven't heard that they are paying anything more in terms of bills for electricity).
While the opponents of these closures are stating that atmospheric carbon based emissions will rise without nuclear, that really depends on what type energy replaces nuclear. It's not a fact written in stone. Don't forget that not all utilities are publicly owned. Many utilities are owned by private or public companies and they are in business to generate a profit. And they will be opposed to anything that threatens their profit, including the start up of other competing companies generating power.
So, again, thanks for your interest and support of my efforts. Hope you had a nice NUCLEAR AWARENESS DAY, March 11, 2012. Let's hope we don't become one of those civilizations that are excavated out of the ground thousands of years later by the archeologists. And in closing, you might want to check out the web site: http://www.PreppingToSurvive. They have a good article on the pros and cons of nuclear.