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Saturday, September 19, 2015



More than 1,300 fuel rods sit in a damaged fuel pool 100 feet in the air at Fukushima nuclear plant #4. They contain radioactive cesium equivalent to 14,000 times what was released at the bombing of Hiroshima. There are some 6,000 rods in a common fuel pool nearby. There are some 11,000 rods scattered around the site. The three melted cores from units #1, #2, and #3 are missing. There are roughly 1,000 tanks holding billions of gallons of hot radioactive water that are leaking and could collapse in a large earthquake. (1)

Because the internal temperatures of the molten cores are estimated to be 5000 degrees Fahrenheit (water boils at 212 degrees F) an emergency system for the massive cooling required has been set up by TEPCO. 400 tons of water is being continuously poured into the damaged reactor buildings every day to keeps fires from occurring and cool the reactor cores so they do not explode. This cooling water then becomes contaminated by the exposed nuclear fuel. Additionally groundwater is flowing into the basements of the damaged buildings. It also becomes contaminated due to the cracked and damaged reactor containment vessels. Approximately 800 tons of contaminated water is required to be pumped up every day from the damaged buildings and treated to minimize its harmful contaminant content. This is currently being stored and/or dumped into the ocean containing radioactive cesium, tritium, and strontium.

Ocean contamination


(A) Dumping radioactive water raises the acidity of the ocean - along with other things. Raised acidity in turn fosters algae blooms. Acidification also causes decreasing oxygen levels in the ocean which lessens the amount of life the ocean can support.

(B) Algae blooms then produce toxic substances such as domoic acid, which can harm or even kill seabirds, mammals and humans.

(C) The heat given off from radioactive substances dumped into the ocean leads to higher temperatures of ocean and inland waterways along with climate change and El Nino. These higher water temperatures cause death of animal spawned eggs, young animal life, plant life, and starves the higher ups in the food chain.

(D) Death from DIC (Disseminated intravascular coagulation) occurs in humans and animals characterized by the widespread formation of blood clots in small blood vessels throughout the body. This leads to a failure of blood flow and can ultimately lead to multiple organ damage. In addition, as the coagulation process consumes clotting factors and platelets, normal clotting is disrupted and severe bleeding can occur from other body sites.

DIC does not occur by itself but only as a complicating factor from another underlying condition, such as radiation exposure. Yasser Arafat was exposed to radiation from Polonium which was found on his toothbrush. He died from DIC which was later attributed to the radiation exposure. (2) Such a death is described in fictional form to a nuclear worker in "#Betrayal" (3). There now have been autopsies of Pacific Ocean animals that show their cause of death was DIC.


Japan's International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning Authority's (IRID) has called for technologies to treat such radio-chemical contaminated water. But while solutions are being proposed, no action is being taken to implement them.

There is a petition to the United Nations to recognize that there is a problem with the nuclear pollution from Fukushima and a request for that body to take over the coordination of a solution. (


There are companies that are producing solutions - but nothing is being implemented by the Japanese. They continue to pour radioactively contaminated water into the ocean at a rate of 400+ tons a day. Typhoons and other large storms drop large amounts of water onto the molten fuel in the ground from the sky far exceeding the containment capacity and pumping abilities.

Here is what one company has said on their website and through email:

Radio-nucleotide Capture and Containment Technology

Cylenchar's patent pending CyAspis® system can isolate and act to concentrate hydrogen isotopes such as tritium, whilst at the same time precipitating caesium and strontium radio-nucleotides, binding them into a stable matrix.

The inherent radio-chemically stable structure of the CyAspis® complex acts to shield the external environment from harmful ionising radiation emitted from the contained radiochemical agents, thereby significantly reducing their inherent risk to people and the wider environment. The system may be used for long term disposal or be recycled and reused post decay of the encapsulated tritium.

Cylenchar believes that 'the solution to pollution is NOT dilution', because, as evidenced by the CyAspis process, nature can have a nasty way of re-concentrating environmental pollutants. As such, if a waste can be treated to minimise its risk, it should be treated.

Judiciously used, the CyAspis® system can negate the need to dispose of tritium contaminated waters by dilution and discharge to the environment, and thereby it can greatly reduce the radio-chemical discharge burden on the world's oceans. (4)

 Fukushima reactor after nuclear catastrophe


On 11 September 2015 at 23:28, Barbara Billig wrote:
I am currently trying to publicize any and all ways to reduce the pollution from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Can your technology decontaminate the 400+ tons of water per day that is pouring out of the damaged reactors?

Sep 11 at 4:10 PM From: Peter Hurley

To: Barbara Billig

Hi Barbara.

We believe that it does have the potential for such scale up. But we also believe that the 400 tpd could have been much reduced, had TEPCO not put their faith in inappropriate 'ice wall' technology.

To-date TEPCO have been less than flexible about their approach to their problem. Essentially those overseeing the issue are Engineers.The disaster at Fukushima was essentially due to issues of chemistry and the failure of the design engineers to recognise that the engineering of the system should have been subservient to the chemistry that could occur should the cooling system fail. Alas, even chemical engineers are not chemists.

Technical solutions can only come from a multidisciplinary approach but this appears to be lacking from the outset and I would further note its a particular problem within the power industry worldwide.

Without the flexibility from those managing the situation, externally proffered solutions will not be given a proper hearing. Thus, at present we are miles away from even being able to offer our solution to resolve this problem - and retain our shirts.

Best regards

Peter Hurley
Cylenchar Ltd


  • When and where is the WORLD CONFERENCE OF NUCLEAR SCIENTISTS to discuss the Fukushima nuclear disaster pollution solution going to occur?

  • Who is going to organize and moderate this conference?

  • Who is going to sort through proposals that could very well work?

THIS is why I have started the PETITION TO THE UNITED NATIONS to

Acknowledge there is a world problem and take over the cleanup and containment of the Fukushima, Japan, nuclear catastrophe in order for it to be done properly and timely... without further radioactive materials dumped into the oceans and world.

Is it fair for Japan to insist on using only their own people and technologies if it is harming the whole world?

Please sign - it is for all of us. 

Author: The Nuclear Catastrophe (a fiction novel of suspense) 

"#Betrayal" a nuclear fiction novel of suspens

"Nuclear Road Trip"
