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Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Now that the two year anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe in Japan has come and passed, I was shocked at the immensity of this disaster – and that's after writing a book 30 years ago predicting it was going to happen. When Fukushima occurred, I googled the name of my novel (The Nuclear Catastrophe, a fictional tale of survival), knowing it was out of print. But the original hardcover version was still being sold as a used book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and even survival sites on the web.

So, why am I so shocked? Because I always want to believe in the best. I talked to many scientists who assured me that the radiation release was “minimal”. I asked these scientists what they would do if they lived near a nuclear plant that had this kind of disaster and most said “nothing”. But now we are seeing printed statements & photographs in the news that there are cities in Japan that may not be inhabitable for five years, or 15 years, or a generation, or never. And the evacuated occupants sit waiting for help or compensation.

These people even abandoned possessions and their vehicles when they left – why? Because the metal objects became radioactive from the release of radioactive materials when the nuclear plants were destroyed. They probably had to leave their metal jewelry and coins behind also. And, there would not have been enough time to pack up and efficiently move out. It was grab and run. (When I was faced with a fire at my home I took the stupidest things). Funny what panic does to you. And there is no general insurance policy that covers loss from nuclear accidents or attacks. Nuclear is excluded.

Perhaps I shouldn't be shocked since Hanford, Washington is 240 square miles in the USA that is the most polluted site in the nation from radioactive materials. It will probably never the inhabitable in our lifetimes, or even the next. But I was in denial that it could have been this bad – everyone was assuring that the radioactive materials had blown out to sea and there was no cause to worry.

So the question is.....why would anyone in any nation want to expose themselves to this type of risk? Nuclear Power certainly is not the most cost effective way to generate electricity. Or perhaps it is because you don't live very close to a plant? N. Korea is getting ready (so they say) to attack the United States with nuclear warheads carried by their missiles. A nuclear strike would have the same effect as a nuclear plant catastrophe, or an atom bomb. So when you hear the slogan “No More Nuclear” it's like trying to institute gun control. Only this needed control is of something that can kill many more thousands of people and cause permanent destruction of our land.

I blog, I tweet, I have signed the Greenpeace Petition to raise the liability for the nuclear problems that are caused by the corporations that build the equipment. I have pledged to donate 50% of the proceeds on my Ebook, “The Nuclear Catastrophe”, a fiction novel of survival, to charity for 2013, for the benefit of the survivors of Fukushima. I hope you will help by purchasing this novel for 99 cents at

Saturday, March 9, 2013


March 11, 2013 is the two year anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe. So that we not forget this horrendous lesson of man-made destruction, I am making my EBook, "The Nuclear Catastrophe", a fictional tale of survival, FREE for March 9, 10, 11. While it is set in Southern California rather than Japan, it eerily predicted the devastation that these plants could cause.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. And I have had people say that this fictional novel could NEVER actually happen.  So please visit my pinterest site: 'Nuclear Catastrophes' and see pictures of actual melted down reactors, explosions, and the Fukushima area, still deserted and empty TWO YEARS LATER.

I hope you will share this free giveaway with your friends.  For the year 2013 I will donate 50% of the proceeds from the sale of the EBook to a charity that supports the survivors and families of the Fukushima catastrophe. Most of these people have not yet been compensated for the loss of their homes and jobs.  If you have a charity to propose, please visit my web page and add your comment to my guest book.

To download your FREE COPY:     Go to: 
                               Amazon Page for "The Nuclear Catastrophe" a fiction tale of survival
"The Nuclear Catastrophe" can be  downloaded  to a kindle, pc, tablet, or smartphone.  Amazon will even provide free kindle software for the pc, tablet, and smartphones.

Nuclear is very much appearing in the news these days.  Not only are the nuclear reactors being debated, but North Korea is threatening  the United States with a nuclear strike.  Substitute 'nuclear strike by missile' for 'exploding nuclear reactor' and the results are the same.....a catastrophe as described in this novel.

Thanks, and I wish it were just fiction. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 11, 2013 - 2 Year Anniversary of Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe

From: Aslihan Tumer, Greenpeace International 

Dear  Barbara,

Today I'm writing to you about the Fukushima nuclear disaster because I need your support. First, try to imagine being forced to abandon your home so quickly that you cannot even return to warn your neighbours and friends to evacuate. Then imagine being told you may not be able to live in your home again for decades. It is too dangerous, there is too much radiation. That is what happened to some 160,000 people because of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. For the past two years these people have lived in limbo: not able to return, not able to start a new life, bearing the burden of the nuclear industry's disaster which the Red Cross calls an "ongoing humanitarian crisis".

Before this email you may never have heard of General Electric, Hitachi and Toshiba's connection to this disaster. But these three famous companies were closely involved in the design, construction and servicing of the Fukushima nuclear reactors, which experienced multiple failures and three full meltdowns almost two years ago.

Then these companies walked away from the disaster without being held accountable, including without paying any of the cost - estimated at 250 billion US dollars.

This situation is completely unjust and must change. If you agree, please join us in taking action.

General Electric, Hitachi and Toshiba are nuclear supplier companies who have left the Japanese people, especially the victims of Fukushima, to bear the burden of this nuclear disaster. In comparison with the zero dollars these companies have paid, the Japanese people have already paid 43.7 billion US dollars worth of public money.

The nuclear industry profits while creating huge nuclear risk, but people pay the price for this risk. This is partly because of flawed nuclear liability laws which prioritise the profits of the industry over the health and safety of the public by exempting nuclear supplier companies from paying for nuclear disasters. The situation in Japan is not an exception, nuclear liability laws are like this in most countries. The nuclear industry needs to be accountable just like any other industry in the world. The solution is simple "The polluter must pay."

You can help change this unfair situation - please help us build awareness of this issue and spread the word!

Thank you for supporting our work,
