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Saturday, March 9, 2013


March 11, 2013 is the two year anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe. So that we not forget this horrendous lesson of man-made destruction, I am making my EBook, "The Nuclear Catastrophe", a fictional tale of survival, FREE for March 9, 10, 11. While it is set in Southern California rather than Japan, it eerily predicted the devastation that these plants could cause.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. And I have had people say that this fictional novel could NEVER actually happen.  So please visit my pinterest site: 'Nuclear Catastrophes' and see pictures of actual melted down reactors, explosions, and the Fukushima area, still deserted and empty TWO YEARS LATER.

I hope you will share this free giveaway with your friends.  For the year 2013 I will donate 50% of the proceeds from the sale of the EBook to a charity that supports the survivors and families of the Fukushima catastrophe. Most of these people have not yet been compensated for the loss of their homes and jobs.  If you have a charity to propose, please visit my web page and add your comment to my guest book.

To download your FREE COPY:     Go to: 
                               Amazon Page for "The Nuclear Catastrophe" a fiction tale of survival
"The Nuclear Catastrophe" can be  downloaded  to a kindle, pc, tablet, or smartphone.  Amazon will even provide free kindle software for the pc, tablet, and smartphones.

Nuclear is very much appearing in the news these days.  Not only are the nuclear reactors being debated, but North Korea is threatening  the United States with a nuclear strike.  Substitute 'nuclear strike by missile' for 'exploding nuclear reactor' and the results are the same.....a catastrophe as described in this novel.

Thanks, and I wish it were just fiction. 

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